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Writer's pictureApryl K.B. Lopez

Capitol Reef Writer's Weekend!

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to attend a writing retreat in beautiful Capitol Reef National Park in Southern Utah. The retreat was led by the incomparable Lisa Mangum (editor, writer, Supernatural encyclopedia, etc.), and our group was housed in a small off-grid field station run by Utah Valley University. Check out the CRFS website for more info, because there are multiple programs held in Capitol Reef, and it is an amazing experience.

As you can see from the picture above, it was a beautiful place to step away from the world and re-center myself. It was such an astounding location that I found myself more focused on the landscape than writing! But I managed to get some writing done ;-)

Now I'm back and continuing my rewrite of the sequel to The Cavern, The Surface. I plan to take the many lessons I learned during the Writer's Weekend and apply them all, so I can deliver the best stories to my readers.

Until next time, please be happy, healthy, and always running toward your goals.

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